Here are a few pictures from tonights fun Halloween adventures. We all had a great time treat-or-treating and Olena LOVED being Dorthy for the night. The weather couldn't have been better at about 55 degrees. Considering the last few nights have been in the low 40s, it was a pleasant and welcomed change for the night. We spent the evening with my cousins and thier families, as well and Jason and my mom. It was a lot of fun! As expected, my mom did an amazing job sewing Olena's and Ethan's costumes. I loved it as a kid knowing I had an original costume at Halloween and it was always a lot of fun going to the fabric shop to look through the costume books. I feel good knowing Olena will get to experience it too. Tons of people complimented us on how great she and Ethan looked! OHLALA...the infamous ruby slippers.
We started off as a family of 3 when we finalized Olena's adoption in 2006. 2017 brought many changes and we are now managing our lives as divorced parents who love our daughter more than anything in this world and still love to promote adoption. While I don't blog as much as I use too, I do like to keep updates going at least once a year for those of you who followed our story for the last decade.