To make a long story short, Matt got an infected ingrown hair which swelled up his WHOLE left side of his face, Ethan fell out of bed and got a terrible bloody nose, both kids got only 4 hours of sleep and were crabby as heck...and this all happened by Saturday morning! The rest of the weekend went fairly well, with the exception of our children, who just never regained the lost sleep, and the deprivation only got worse as the days went on. In turn, we were blessed to spend the entire trip with two, sassy - whinny - stubborn and misbehaving 3 year olds.
When we left on Monday, Olena cried all the way home, until she fell asleep 30 minutes before the end of our journey. The trip home, took over 6 hours and included 4 stops because we couldn't handle the crying, and we were all on edge. Oh... and Jason got sick with the "flu" on Sunday night, and was sick all of Monday and today.
All I am thinking about now is that my next vacation is going to include a beach, no kids, ALONE with my lounge chair, a good book and good cocktail! paradise here I come.... :)