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April showers bring May flowers...

I thought the title was perfect for this post. We have been SSSOOO busy lately, however all of the "rain" will hopefully be bringing wonderful things, "flowers" in May!
With Jason back to work, Olena being shuffled around between family members while we are at work, house hunting, and trying to make time for chores and each other has been challenging.

Good news is that I only have one more week of in office work and then I will be changing my schedule. I will primarily be working from home. I will go in the office every day from 6:00a-7:30a and the rest of the day I will be here with Olena. I will also work one full day a week but that is not a big deal, she is usually with my mom one day a week anyhow so that won't be an issue. I am really excited to be back home with her and start home schooling. I have been reading a few books about how to get ready and I am combing the catalogs for a curriculum. I am nervous about getting everything right and finding what is going to work best for her but I know it is going to be a lot of trial and error, so I am staying positive. She is a tactile learner and must be able to be active so I see a lot of "play learning" being incorporated into everything we do. I am excited and I am really blessed to have this opportunity and have an employer who is so willing to let me put my daughter first.

We found a house that we love and we are hoping to have an answer to our offer within the next few days! We will have our hands full for the next few months doing some renovation and of course moving everything. I am dreaded that time because my DH is a pack rat! It is amazing the things we have managed to accumulate in this little house over the past 9 years. And though I am very excited to be moving on, I am going to miss this house. I built my family here and it has been a very protective house. I have always felt safe and "at home" here. I hope the next house and live up to these standards!

OMG! I almost completely forgot about this. We have been looking for a new bike for Olena but the idea of spending $100+ was not appealing to me. I have been searching on line, and I stopped at a few thrift stores but I haven't found anything. Friday, on my way home I seen a sign for a garage sale so I decided I would give it a try and see if there were any bikes there. No luck. So driving down the street back towards home and I see a big sign...BIKE SALE! What?? so I turn and sure enough there is a house with about 20 bikes in the drive way. There is was, right smack dab in the middle of the herd, the 16 inch, baby blue Starr Dust Schwinn that Olena was dying for! it was $120 on line when I found it. $30 and it is in near perfect condition and even still had the training wheels! What a deal! I will try to get some pictures of her this week. She was so excited and she loves it. Not to mention that it matches mine and Jason's bikes. That is such a great feeling to see how happy it made her. She already discussed with me that she wants a horn and a basket. Maybe I will let her go into the piggy bank this week and we will take a trip to Walmart.

I decided to share another thing with everyone, though this is something that most people completely avoid I thought that it would be a good journaling moment for me and a way to share our journey, honestly. Jason and I started a fertility program about 2 months back, Fertilaid. I spent a few months researching this product as well as several others and decided that we would give it a try. We have never been "deemed" infertile by any doctors. BUT I do have PCOS which complicates the process and Jason has high modality percentage. With that being said we started the FertilAid program for both of us and so far it seems to have lived up to it's reputation. Since starting it I have had a normal cycle...however, this month - as of today - I am 4 days late. I have not yet taken one of the 3 tests I have so eagerly stocked up on, but I have had a few symptoms that are nudging my curiosity. I have a history of being irregular so I always have that nagging reminder in the back of my mind. I figured I would give it another couple of days and then take a test. I know being pregnant and sharing with the entire world so early is risky, especially when it can end so quickly but after I thought about it for a while, I realized that sharing every detail of the next child is not any different than what I have done with Olena's adoption. If tragically during this journey we lose a baby to miscarriage, hopefully sharing my story will not only help heal me but someone else out there reading too. Wishing and Praying for baby dust!


Adriana said…
Tina, I'm so excited for you guys! I know how happy you must be about the new work arrangement! Congrats on finding a new house...I can't wait to hear all about it! I'm especially excited to hear the news about a possible pregnancy!!!! So happy for you and you know I'll be praying. Miss you!
Tonya said…
About curriculum...if you are like me, it will take a few tries to find what you love but that's okay because its fun doing the browsing:). If you can ever get to a homeschool conference, they are the best for browsing because you can look through things. I highly recommend that you read Ruth Beechick's books on the three R's. They are cheap and quick reads but they will give you some good confidence. Also, I put up a link to Simply Charlotte Mason on my blog. You'll probably find some good ideas there.

Yay on the bike! What a great find! We found Lyra a pink TREK for 25 at a thrift store. That was the deal of the year! She has a hello kitty horn on it.

I'll be praying for a fat snuggly delicious little baby for you:). Just thinking about it makes me want to go wake mine up and smooch her! Olena will be a great big sister. How fun!

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