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Baby fever!!!

OK so I am having baby fever again. I really really want to add to our family and though at times I feel I am ok with waiting, most of the time I on the other side...wishing for another child.
There are so many road blocks in the way though, no matter which way I turn.

Getting pregnant - no luck at this point. I could try fertility but the cost is crazy and at this point my blood pressure is still too high I don't feel right risking my health or even losing a baby. But also the longer I wait, the older I get, and the harder it can be and the higher the risk. SIGH!!!

Adoption has been lingering above my head again lately too. BUT there is no money for that right now. With J being unemployed for over a year we don't exactly have a very prosperous money tree to be banking for another adoption. When we started our adoption in 2004 the average cost of a domestic infant adoption was 10K, what I found yesterday was 15-20K plus birth mother expenses. WHOLLY COW! that is what we spent in total!

The obvious and the ideal choice would be the foster care system but I have heard such horror stories from my area and that worries me. I personally find it annoying to drag on an adoption process for so long...the classes for becoming a foster parent, the fostering for one year, the visitation with birth parents, the several home visits, and the idea I have to use public school (no homeschooling) until the adoption is complete...two years from the starting point. I know it is all for a purpose and I am not judging the system I just don't have the motivation to deal with it.

So what do I do? Just be patient and wait? I have praying and praying and praying, for some guidance but there just seems to be no perfect choice. Any opinions or ideas from you guys?


Anonymous said…
I wish I could give you some good advice but I'm also suffering from Baby Fever :-( I guess all we can do is be patient - the right time will come for us to have babies. Like you always told me, God knows when Ben & I will be ready to have a baby and then we will be blessed with one. Praying that you and Jason will be blessed with a baby soon - you guys are such wonderful parents.
vodkamartini said…
Hang in there.... I didn't become a Mom through adoption until I was 40! I know how hard it is to want a child so very much, the best advice I can give (although I found it very hard to take when I was the one waiting) is to keep praying about it, but to stop "thinking" about it as much as you can.
adoptedthree said…
Hey I have been hearing from my facilitator that adoptions are getting better again. When we first adopted we thought that he would be our only one. If you really invest in it you can find the money to furnish a pretty cheap UA adoption under 15 K all three of ours, and still get the tax credit. That is how we were able to afford it.

If I did it for a young child, I would do the foster system. My girlfriend adopted international twice and then became a foster parent and was given a newborn girl she has had for six months. She is not sure she can adopt her (she thinks she is too old). It might be the way to go!

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