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Just my luck.

Olena's fear of the month, is flies! She goes in stages and about every 4 weeks she becomes scared of something and right now it is flies, and bumblebees (though to her every thing that flies is a fly so I guess we could say any bug with winds) This fly thing has been driving me nuts. The poor kid is on the look out the second her foot steps out the door. If she evens SEES one she is screaming and latched onto my leg. Trust me, this has made for a very interesting summer. Anyhow I came home the other day, and I could have died! my house was swarming with huge black flies, and I don't mean outside...this was inside! It was like walking into my daughters hell. I could not believe my eyes. Every window in the house was covered with about 20 flies, and they were buzzing all over. I of course freaked and starting to instantly work on getting them out. I pulled the screens out and ran around like a mad woman with my fly swatter. I have to admit they were pretty smart little suckers, and very cooperative, they had no problem with flying out the closest window once they spotted me. It took a few hours but they were finally all banished!

I found a rip in the screen of the window above our kitchen sink. That morning I put on a crock pot for dinner and it sits right next to that window so J figures that the smell brought them in through the screen. Since keeping the window closed, we haven't had any return visitors so I suppose his theory is correct!

Now for the past two days I have been finding little tiny ants in my bathroom! AARRRGG! I don't share my house with bugs, so now J and I are thinking of have the exterminator come in next week!


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