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Sunny days are here again

Things are still going strong :) We have managed to go 3 full days without a single melt down, absolutely no aggressive behavior, no whining (you have no idea how happy this has made me) and believe it or not, she has been really focusing alot better and showing her true potential when it comes to the academics. Such as she hasn't needed any prompting when counting or saying her ABCs, today at bed time stories she was counting objects on the page and pointing to each one with her finger. She couldn't do that before. She would get confused, not count all of them and her numbers would be out of sequence.

Here is the best way to describe what is going on with her right now. The part of her brain that processes her senses, obviously isn't working. The connection is bad due to her birth mother drinking during pregnancy. SO because of this her brain does not process and organize the senses that her body is "taking in". In turn this sensory "zone" craves senses. It is lacking what it needs so it is giving off impulses for her to find it any way she can. On the other hand, the other parts of her brain what some action too. It needs to process stuff like learning new songs, ABCs, counting etc etc. But the sensory "zone" is so over powering, that it negatively affects what the other parts need and want to do. Without doubt, this starts to cause an overload of emotions, frustration, inability to concentrate, and confusion.

This is why we now need to "retrain her brain" With the OT and things we will be doing here at home, we are going to teach her how to overcome those cravings. That need and desire to feel intense senses. While she is trying to complete a task, we will do what we can to "satisfy" that drive. Like if she is reading a book or working on a puzzle...we will have her lay on her stomach while doing this. By laying on her stomach she is applying pressure to her joints at the knees, hips and elbows. This in turn meets her sensory need, so now she can use the other parts of the brain to concentrate on the task at hand! We will also do things throughout the day like have her jump on a small trampoline, we will continue with the brushing and joint compression, and we will be enrolling her back into gymnastics, which is absolutely some of the best OT she could get!

I have really been learning a lot and I find everything very interesting. I am even considering going back to school! With my current credits (having completed Respiratory Therapy 6 years ago) I can transfer a majority of my credit, and spend a year and a half taking program classes.
We'll see what the future holds!

Right now, I am enjoying my life...while enjoying my daughter!


ArtworkByRuth said…
Woo Hoo! So glad things are looking up! Thanks for continuing to share the journey with us! God Bless!
Amy said…
Hi guys!
It's been so long since I have seen pictures of Olena (from the last blog!) Her hair is ADORABLE!
It took me a while to read and catch up! Is Olena able to take advantage of the OT via your school district, since she is 3?

Hope all is well!

Anonymous said…
Hey Tina....thanks for the comment :) I'm happy to see you're doing well since the surgery! Olena is adorable, the pictures are great!

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