The weather is cruddy today, rainy and chilly. We had a few nice days this week but I am anxiously awaiting spring! Unfortunately Olena is not as enthusiastic. She has a huge fear of loud noises and nice weather means trucks and motorcycles which she is terrified of. I feel so bad for her but on the other hand it is hard for me to grasp how on earth she can be so scared - she spends a majority of her time outside wearily walking around the back yard just listening. She likes to have advanced notice so in the event it comes to close she has plenty of time to run and take cover!! it sounds ridiculous I known but it is the truth. I just want the poor girl to be outside in the sunshine having some fun. I was hoping that this summer would be a bit different but the fact that Jason and I basically spent all day on Wednesday fighting her to stay outside with us, I have a feeling it won't be. Sigh!! She started Gymnastics again this week. She kept insisting she didn't want to g...
We started off as a family of 3 when we finalized Olena's adoption in 2006. 2017 brought many changes and we are now managing our lives as divorced parents who love our daughter more than anything in this world and still love to promote adoption. While I don't blog as much as I use too, I do like to keep updates going at least once a year for those of you who followed our story for the last decade.