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Someone is 8!

Originally she said she wanted a Ukrainian Birthday cake with little Ukie flags...but being that it wasn't exactly the easiest request and I had been extremely busy for the last few weeks , I resorted to sending her to the cake store with her Aunt Rickie and she chose a heart pan, with white frosting and white cake, which we dyed pink for her.  She also decided she needed to add the American flag so we had an American bday instead! :)  she basically made the cake herself which is a huge deal because my little Miss is not the domestic kind.  She is all boy at heart....xtreme sports, animals, race cars, skate boarding.  Baking not so much! but over the last couple of weeks she has wanted to venture a little on the "girly side". 
I am still amazed she is already 8! I remember my little pudgy faced babbler like it was yesterday.


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