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I thought this was quite interested. I went back on my original blog to re read over some stuff. This is a posting I wrote exactly 2 years ago. It is so funny because at this time, you think it is one of the worst days of your life. I sit here now, and when I read through it, I didn't even remember this day! All I remember now, is how quite and clean my house use to be :) LOL!!

Especially if you are an adoptive parent you know about the "overwhelming" days. Today is one of those days. I don't know why but it seems like every so often everything starts to hit you and emotions start running you over.There's no end in site for us. I think that is hardest part of all this. We have waiting for so long. Just waiting....and only for one thing - the damn appointment!!!I did my daily check today of all the important websites, to see if there has been as progress in the new establishment and of course it had a disappointing end. It is almost as if the world has stopped in its tracks! I know our world has! Jason and I go on each day, but it is almost like we are zombies. We move forward because we know we have to, yet under the surface all we are really thinking about is this adoption. Everything we try to plan for the future is so unpredicable because we have no clue when we traveling. I know we have to just keep our chins up and it will happen when He thinks it is suppose to, but does it really need to be this hard?Thanks to all of you who stop by to listen to my venting!! LOLOh...And good luck to you too Melanie. Thanks for your message! Let us know if and when you get any news!!


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