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Summer Daze!

Yes I meant summer daze...that is the funk I feel like I am in right now. We have had some very hot and humid weather the last couple of weeks and I am sick and tired of sitting in the central air. My nose is stuffy, I am sneezing like crazy and I feel like I have been living in a cave! Please weatherman bring some relief!

Home life is a bit off the beaten path. Our so called "schedule" was lost many weeks ago. Not sure where it went but it seems that the daddy/husband of the house doesn't like to follow the schedule so that leaves mommy with too many things to do in too little time! Since I have had to come home from work and straighten the house, and prep/cook dinner I haven' t had any time to work with Olena on preschool work. She has started getting up over an hour earlier than usual (a change from 7:30 to 6:30a) which means she is extra tired at night which makes for a very crabby and uncooperative preschooler. So we had to bite the bullet and make her bed time 7:00/7:30. Being that we don't eat until about 6:15 this has made the evenings a bit chaotic. I had a talk with Jason tonight and he agreed that a new schedule needs to be put in place soon and followed by EVERYONE! Wish me luck.

I had my birthday last week, the big 31! and Jason's is tomorrow...35 I think ;) no, he will be 33. Since Wednesday is my day off, we have a few errands to run and then we are going to spend the afternoon at Dave and Busters. Have some good food and play a few games. We haven't had much time to spend together, just the three of us, so I am looking forward to it.

To celebrate life...our birthdays and hopefully many more to come, I cleared the house of all processed foods over the weekend ! and my usual shopping trip was strictly done around the perimeter of the grocery store :) Jason is still in fresh food shock but I know he will be thankful in the long run. We weren't bad eaters to begin with but there was definitely room for improvement. We lacked in the breakfast area, either we don't eat or grab something on the run and we never eat together. So that all changed starting Monday morning. We now eat a breakfast of fruit and either oatmeal or poached eggs. Lunch is fresh fruit and veggies/salad and dinner is protein with veggies and fruit again. snacks are nuts/yogurt/granola/dried fruit. Drinks are only water, milk and OJ in the morning. I do still drink ice tea in the early afternoon but I have managed to switch to unsweetened. Which I don't mind at all. This has helped with the budget too. No junk food or unneeded food is much cheaper. And I can only shop for 1 week since produce doesn't last much longer than that. That also limits how much I buy. When I know it going to sit in the cupboard I tend to buy it "just in case" or because it is on sale.
I am happy with the change and Olena doesn't care because it is not far off from her normal diet anyway and J...well, he'll love it soon :) LOL!


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