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Thanks for being a blessing...

First...I must say there are a whole bunch of 19 mamas who are just blown away by your outpouring of love, support, and generosity for the precious souls that still weigh heavy on our hearts. YOU have donated from your heart to give an orphan a Christmas blessing this year and oh how awesome it has been to see the Christmas goodies keep rolling in....

Many of you have donated cute toys...

...socks, underwear, gloves, hats, hair bows...

...and then there were the boxes...

When the mamas of baby house 19 wanted to do something for the children we said goodbye to...we were praying that we would collect enough boxes to provide a gift to each of the 115 children that live behind the walls of baby house 19. NEVER would we have imagined that the Lord would use so many of His servants to spread the word and provide for His children. As I'm typing this post...we have collected 189 boxes with more still on the way. You...our sweet friends...have not only provided the children of baby house 19 with a Christmas blessing...but we have gotten word that an older children's internat located in the same region will also love to have Christmas blessing boxes for their children. Isn't it amazing! The children of 2 different orphanages will be receiving Christmas gifts this year...Praise God!

We still need your help! Please spread the word...we are still in need of monetary donations to help cover shipping. Remember...all donations of $25 or more are TAX DEDUCTIBLE!

On behalf of the mamas of baby house 19...thank you for giving


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