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Blah day!

The weather is cruddy today, rainy and chilly. We had a few nice days this week but I am anxiously awaiting spring! Unfortunately Olena is not as enthusiastic. She has a huge fear of loud noises and nice weather means trucks and motorcycles which she is terrified of. I feel so bad for her but on the other hand it is hard for me to grasp how on earth she can be so scared - she spends a majority of her time outside wearily walking around the back yard just listening. She likes to have advanced notice so in the event it comes to close she has plenty of time to run and take cover!! it sounds ridiculous I known but it is the truth. I just want the poor girl to be outside in the sunshine having some fun. I was hoping that this summer would be a bit different but the fact that Jason and I basically spent all day on Wednesday fighting her to stay outside with us, I have a feeling it won't be. Sigh!!

She started Gymnastics again this week. She kept insisting she didn't want to go, but once we were there, she enjoyed herself. When we left she told me how much fun it was and she can't wait to go back. We have an amazing rec center and they have 1 hour gymnastic classes for 8 weeks for $50. Cant beat that! So I am happy she had fun.

I think she is getting ready to grow again. Her 4T pants have had to be retired because they are just too short, and she has been eating like a horse, which is NOT typical of Olena.
Also every time she gets ready to spurt so often complains of leg pains at night which has been happening for about a week so I will measure her again in April and see how much she has grown. Jason and I were watching her ride her bike the other day and we also noticed that it is time to go up to the next size. She currently has a 12" but her knees come up way too far regardless of how we adjust the seat. I looked today and I thought that we could go 14" but it looks like the standard is 16". I am hoping that will not be too big but we'll see. We are hoping to get her riding on two wheels this summer so I want her to be comfortable with the size of the bike.

We are also house hunting right now. This that proven to be quite a chore. We are hoping that in the Spring there will be some better choices. "They" are predicting a huge influx of homes going up for sale in the next quarter so I am patiently waiting. There is not much out there right now and what is, I personally don't feel is worth what they are asking. We are not going far though, at least not for now. We are looking for something to stay in for the next 5-6 years, in this area but a bigger house than what we are in now. The sad part is that I am sure we are going be loose the awesome huge yard we currently have but I am looking forward to more room. We hope to grow the family by years end and the space with surely be needed by then.

Well, I think that covers just about everything for now. I will check in again soon!


Tonya said…
If you have any thrift stores nearby check there for bikes. We found Lyra an AWESOME pink TREK bike in perfect condition, 14 in size, for $25.

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