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Olena is on this kick about asking if things bite. She has this strong belief that everything around her either bites, or roars like a monster. And it is cute as can be to hear her ask it in her little tiny voice- and for some reason her sentence always comes out fast but very clear...

We go to the chiropractor earlier in the week. He has a model of the spine standing on the floor.
We walk into the room, she stands in the door with hesitation while I get on the table.
Dr asks her whats wrong?

pointing at the spine "Whats that?"

"A spine"


"Yes, a spine"

"What Spime?"

"Do you know what bones are Olena?"

"Yes, bomes are in your body" while pointing to herself

"Ok, well a Spine are the bones in your back"

She finally decides to come through the door and get a closer look, she walks over to it and cocks her head while looking at it.

"Touch it?"

"Sure go ahead"

Then she turns around, looks at me with the most puzzled look I have ever seen...
" spimes bite?"

"No, Olena spines don't bite, bones don't bite"

"No bite chu?"

"No Olena!"

"OH OK then!"

and she reaches over and starts to touch it and then starts to mumble to herself
"Oh my, what a nice spime. bite chu, oh NO! Spimes don't bite! spimes are so nice, bones too -
right mommy?"

"Right Olena"


Anonymous said…
I love this story, I've read it about ten times already.
--Jen G.

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