Not too much to chime in about these days. The gloomies have been here for about the past week. Everyone is sick of cold weather and snow, Michigan is very unseasonably cold and we just want to be outside and have the windows open. We started a herb garden in the house a few weeks back and they were looking great. We had lots of little sprouts and decided to put them on the porch one sunny afternoon. Well, I forgot about them. The next morning when walking outside at 6am in the morning to go to work...there they sat...frozen as a popsicle. Darn it! I tried spraying them with water but they just wilted and never came back. I still had lots of seeds left so I spent some time over the weekend replanting everything. I have been doing a lot of soul searching these last few weeks. I have a strong urge for a makeover...not a physical one - though I could use it...but a spiritual one. I have been trying to view things in my life through different color lenses. Re-evaluating everything I do and asking "is this something beneficial to me and this family?" if not, I am trying to find a way to rid my life of it and I am really trying to stay focused and diligent to the things that I know are good for us, and me. Simply put...I am looking for ways to better myself, better this family, and better the world. One of things I have started to do is study the Bible. I have finally read it, but truthfully it doesn't have too much meaning to me yet. I didn't grow up with a strong religous background and the extent of my religous education comes from what I learned over 25 years ago. Pretty safe to say I don't remember much. Of course there is a lot of obvious stuff that you can learn from the Bible but there is also TONS of underlying stuff that I can't even start to try and tackle without some help. I decided to try and learn about the History of different religions too, it has intrigued me a bit and makes me wonder about what others believe to be the truth. Any recommendations? Lets just say that there is nothing short of a million books recommended on the internet! Sorry for the format and any spelling errors, something wierd is going on and it is not editing properly.
A little accessory for her Aunt Rickie's wedding. She kept telling us she wanted long hair like us for the wedding but we just never grew it out. So voila! instant long hair! I do plan to make it look a lot nicer for the wedding. Literally she walked in from playing in the sprinkler and I shoved it on her head. Once her real hair is curled it will blend and look more uniform. I am proud at how well I matched the color, I was worried because I ordered it off line.
Love your new kitchen/DR pics:) Very cute.